Hi I'm Yared. A full-stack and mobile developer with a bachelor's in computer science who develops and maintains mobile and web applications and has more than 3 years of experience in the area. I am an expert on Flutter and the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js) stack. Working on large projects that have given me a lot of experience, and I'm proud of both the quality of my work and my commitment to learning. My objective is to make as many happy customers as I can while also learning as much as I can from them.
Download ResumeVenters is an online application that encourages users to speak openly and honestly while remaining anonymous.
React - Chakra UI - Redux toolkit - Nodejs - Express - MongoDB
Neowise is a book exchange and bookstore an application that uses a map to help users buy books and trade books with people in their area.
MERN - Flutter - GetX - Firebase - Google Maps API
Animedoro React is a timer tool that enables you to enjoy working or studying by scheduling exactly one 20-minute anime episode after every 50 minutes of work.
React - Tailwind Css